

Schritt, H. (2023):

Kommunikation und Partizipation im Verbundprojekt AMAREX

. Vortrag im Rahmen des WaX-Workshops zum Querschnittsthema Kommunikation und Partizipation. Juni 2023
Scheid, C. (2023):

Überflutungsvorsorge und Dürrevorsorge: Synergien oder Zielkonflikte im Umgang mit urbanen Wasserextremen?

. Wasserfachtage NIVUS GmbH. 15.-16. Juni 2023. Eppingen
Guericke, L.; Sonnenberg, H.; Gunkel, M.; Haag, L.; Matzinger, A. (2023):

Evaluation of the deviation from the annual natural water balance of urban areas – Proposition of a model approach

. NOVATECH 2023. 03.-07. July 2023. Lyon. France

The water balance of urban areas can highly differ from natural areas, like forests. This deviation can be an indicator for water-related issues in urban areas, like floods, droughts and heat stress. To quantify the deviation of the water balance from a natural reference case, a new parameter ΔW was introduced to summarize the deviation of the components evaporation, surface runoff and infiltration. The open source water balance model ABIMO was further developed to simulate these three components for urban areas. ABIMO has been applied to the city of Berlin including a successful model validation for the surface runoff within the combined sewer system of Berlin. Simulations using ABIMO and computations of ΔW gave promising results for Berlin, and can be used to locate areas of high deviation in water balance as hotspots for the implementation of green and blue infrastructure. The model is openly available including R packages for its application.

Tröltzsch, J., Schritt, H., Stein, U., Dicke, F. (2023):

Climate adaptation and urban water systems: Fostering nature-based solutions and resilient governance systems

. 6th European Climate Change Adaptation Conference (ECCA). 19.-21. June 2023. Dublin.
Dittmer, U. und Scheid, C. (2023):

Wasserbewusste Stadt. Umgang mit zu viel und zu wenig Regenwasser

. 12. Kommunaler Erfahrungsaustausch "Regenwasser in der Praxis". 27. April 2023. Gelsenkirchen-Buer.
Dittmer, U.; Wilhelm, F.; Scheid, C.; Rumberg, M.; Jaworski, T.; Rott, E.; Minke, R. (2023):

Blau-grüne Infrastruktur in der Stadt der Zukunft

. Proceedings. 56. Essener Tagung für Wasserwirtschaft "Sichere Wasserwirtschaft in Krisenzeiten". 07.-09. März 2023. Eurogress. Aachen


Scheid, C. (2022):

Anpassung des Regenwassermanagements an Wasserextreme - das Verbundprojekt AMAREX

. Fachtagung Emmelshausen. DWA-Landesverband Hessen/Rheinland-Pfalz/Saarland (DWA-HRPS). 13. Oktober 2022. Kaiserslautern